The Office of Diversity, Equity & 包容性努力实现我们建立一个充分包容和公平的查塔姆国际事务研究所的愿景,以及我们促进包容性环境的使命, diverse, mutually respectful, and equitable for all students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We are grounded in the following values:
- Equity Mindedness – Calling attention to disparities in resources, rights, 以及历史上享有特权和边缘化群体的生活质量.
- Intersectionality -尊重个人生活经历的整体性和独特性,因为他们拥有多重社会身份.
- Trauma Informed -检查个人回应的影响和影响, interpersonal, and societal acts of violence.
- Expansive Inclusivity -创造一个足以包容所有社区成员的广阔环境, regardless of their background, 这鼓励真实和转变,而不是同化和顺从
- Restoration -参与建立关系和修复伤害的社区对话实践.